Line graphs for kids
The line started low in the morning, increased as it became warmer during the day, and decreased again as it cooled off in the evening.
A line graph tells the story of how things go up and down over hours, days, or even years.
You can learn more about line graphs—and see more examples—in the video below.
What is a line graph?
Line graphs show how things change over time.
For example, when Daphne the data-drawing dragon was in the jungle, she was curious how the temperature changed from day to night. To answer her question, she drew a line graph!
Interesting questions you answer with a line graph
There are so many interesting questions you can answer by drawing a line graph! Here are a few…
Personal and everyday life
What time do I wake up and go to bed each day of the week?
How does my mood change over the course of the day?
How does the temperature change during the day in my town or one I’d like to visit?
How much time do I spend doing homework or studying each day?
How does my study or activity time compare to my screen time over a week or month?
Science and nature
What happens to the temperature of a glass of water as ice melts?
How does the height of a growing plant change over time?
How do the phases of the moon change over the month?
How many birds visit the bird feeder at different times of day?
What happens to the speed of a toy car as it rolls down a ramp?
Food and exercise
How does the number of push ups I can do change over time?
How does my energy level change after eating a healthy snack versus candy?
How does the temperature of my hot chocolate cool over time?
How many steps do I take each day? Does it vary from day to day or week to week?
How does my pulse change before, during, and after exercise?
Hobbies and fun
How much time do I spend practicing a musical instrument each day?
How many pages of a book do I read each day of the week?
How does my daily reading time compare to my friends’?
What happens to the number of goals scored during soccer practice as we get more tired?
How does the distance I can throw a ball or speed I can run change over time with practice?
What questions will you answer
by drawing data in a line graph?
For more on line graphs, check out what is a line graph? from the storytelling with data chart guide.
Learn about other types of graphs from Daphne the data-drawing dragon by clicking below!