Bar charts show how much of something there is and make comparisons.

How do you read a bar chart?

There are a few different types of bar charts…

Vertical Bar Chart

A vertical bar chart is the most common type of bar chart. The bars stand up tall like trees! Each bar shows how much or how many of something there is. The taller the bar, the more there is of that thing. For example, if you’re counting how many toys you have of each type, you could make a vertical bar chart to see which type has the most. In the jungle, the tallest bar led Daphne to the banana thief.

Horizontal Bar Chart

A horizontal bar chart is like a vertical bar chart, except that the bars go sideways instead of up. The longer the bar, the more there is of that thing. You could use a horizontal bar chart to show the different types of snacks you like, with the longest bar showing your favorite.

Stacked Bar Chart

In this type of bar chart, you take two or more bars and stack them on top of each other. This lets you see not just the total amount, but also how it’s made up of different parts. For example, if you’re counting how many fruits you ate this week, a stacked bar chart could show how many apples, bananas, and oranges you ate. Each type of fruit would be a different color in the same bar, so you can see the parts and the total at the same time. In outer space, Daphne used a stacked bar chart to show the aliens which spaceship had enough fuel to travel home.

For more on bar charts, check out what is a bar chart? from the storytelling with data chart guide.